Custom Website Design Services For Creatives.

We provide the complete website design services you need to get meaningful results online.

1. Website Strategy

Building a website is not merely about putting pretty pages on the internet, it’s about understanding who you want to attract, the first impression you’d like to impart, and the actions you want them to take. If you don’t understand these, you’ll only build a fancy website that does nothing meaningful for you.

This is why we prioritize strategy and it’s the number one step in our process. During our strategy sessions, we’ll ask many questions to understand what you do–because you know these better than anyone. Then, we’ll work with you to create a plan that aligns with your professional or business goals.

Having a website strategy ensures you are crystal clear about why you are building a website and what it should do for you.

Here are the areas we cover during our strategy sessions:


We'll review your brand goals and objectives, target audience, and unique value proposition. Understanding these helps us build a website that actually gets you meaningful results.


Your website needs to rank in search so your target audience can find it. Our SEO strategy includes careful keyword research to uncover the most promising keywords for your brand or project. We’ll also recommend keywords for all the pages on your website.

Online marketing

If you sell products and services online, you need an online marketing strategy. We’ll help design your sales funnel–a clear description and understanding of the path potential customers are likely to take before they make a purchase–and identify the marketing strategies and tools you need to support it.

  • Website goals
  • Target persona
  • User journey
  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis (businesses only)
  • Online marketing strategy

2. Website Design & Development

This is the part where we transform all that brainstorming and strategy into beautiful, user-friendly pages that delight and engage your website visitors and convert them into action-takers. All our page designs are customized for the project, and we pay attention to every detail. We test each page for speed, responsiveness, and functionality.

Our custom website design services cover:

Visual identity

Your website is an extension of your existing brand–whether it’s a personal or business brand. So, it’s absolutely essential that you have a cohesive visual identity before building your website.

Website plan

Every website needs a plan, and our job is to ensure you have one. Based on our strategy sessions, we’ll create a site map for your site and provide wireframes for the content layout.

Website style guide

We implement a website style guide to ensure that even when you create additional pages, posts, or sections in the future, the styles stay consistent with the rest of your site.

UX design

We'll plan the layout of every page on your website to make sure they are visually appealing, optimized for conversions and deliver a great user experience.

Website copywriting

Your website content is a crucial part of its success. Your website copy needs to be laser-focused on your target audience and drive them to take action. And we can help with that. You can provide your own website copy or have our in-house content specialist craft your copy.

Software integrations

Integrations to third-party tools make your website work like a well-oiled machine and can save you lots of hours in manual work. We make all of those niggly integrations work for you, like a charm.

Technical SEO

Once your website build is completed, we optimize the technical elements of every page on your to ensure that search engines can crawl and index your website and boost visibility in search results.


You need data to understand what works. We connect the tools you need to monitor your website performance and ensure it's contributing to your bottom line.

Website design deliverables

  • Logo design (color + black and white)
  • Favicon
  • Brand colors
  • Typography
  • Patterns
  • Textures
  • Photo styles
  • Illustrations
  • Brand book
  • Headings
  • Body text
  • Quotes
  • Callouts
  • List styles
  • Image styles and captions
  • Form styles
  • Button styles
  • Icons
  • Header
  • Footer
  • Home page
  • Single page template(s)
  • Blog post page template(s)
  • Product page template(s)
  • Archive/listing page template(s)
  • Sales/landing page template(s)
  • Custom pages
  • CRM
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Email marketing
  • Facebook ads pixel
  • Live chat
  • Payment gateways
  • Cookie manager

3. Website and technical support

Custom website design projects do not stop after your site goes live. You still need to update your content, run security checks, create backups, and more. And sometimes, things just go amiss. This is why we offer highly reliable website support and maintenance as part of all our website design packages. 

We offer three tiers of technical support:

Website support

You will receive customized website training plus guide(s) on how to use and manage your website. We also provide bug fixes and ticket-based support.

Website maintenance

We'll check your website regularly and perform regular plugin updates, security checks and backups. We'll send you tips to help you make the most out of your website.

Content management

Need to outsource website content updates? We can take care of that for you. You can send content weekly, monthly or as needed.

Website support deliverables

  • Training video
  • Website guides
  • Bug fixes
  • Ticket-based support
  • Updates
  • Backups
  • Security checks
  • Monthly reports

Ready to build a remarkable online presence?